Dance. Act. Perform. Create.
a Registered Canadian Charity #865734107RR001
Fees - All fees are payable by cash, direct debit, credit card or cheque.
Tuition - Total tuition fees are calculated on a per student basis, using total number of classes registered for.
Late Registration: (not applicable to Summer, Preschool or 10 week programs)
New Students: Registration after the third week of classes will be subject to a $25 late fee
Existing Students: Registrations after June 15th will be subject to a $50 late fee .
NSF Cheques: All NSF cheques will be subject to a $25 fee in addition to any bank charges incurred.
Overdue Accounts: All overdue accounts will be subject to interest charges. Interest will be charged 30 days past the last payment date at the following rates:
30 days - 5%
60 days - 10%
90 days - 15%
Once an outstanding balance is over $500 and no arrangements have been made on an overdue account to rectify, a meeting will be arranged with the Member, a representative of the Board of Directors, and the CFO. If a reciprocal agreement is unable to be attained, the board has the option to withhold services. If an account remains in default for more than 90 days, the SPACE may seek services of a collection agency.
All outstanding balances must be rectified prior to registering for a subsequent program.
Tax Receipt Information Disclaimer: It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to determine whether or not the portion paid is eligible for tax credits. Due to the nature of the business, should the participant withdraw from class(es) the post dated payment will no longer be eligible from date of withdrawal.
Withdrawal​ ( not applicable to Summer, Preschool or 10 week programs)
Tuition: Student withdrawal up to October 15th or the prior business day will receive a refund of tuition less all classes scheduled prior to this date. Withdrawal notice must be in writing to the SPACE Board of Directors. After October 15th NO refunds will be administered, and all fees must be honored as per agreed by signing on reverse registration form. Extenuating medical circumstances may be addressed in writing to the Board of Directors.
Costume Fees: Student withdrawal within the allotted time (as stated above) will receive a refund of Costuming Fees.
Donations: There will be no refund for donations.
Photographs/Website/Publicity: I consent to the SPACE Inc. using my child's name and picture for promotional material.
Video Recording and Photographic Imaging: All video recording and photographic imaging of instructional or rehearsal sessions is prohibited unless permission is gained in advance with the Executive Director or designate. Public sharing or posting of videos and images on line is prohibited.
This policy would be inclusive of on and off site of the studio.
Additional Costs May Be Required For ( not applicable to Summer, Preschool or 10 week programs)
Tights, accessories, and items' of a personal nature or footwear; not included in Costume Deposit Fees
Entry fees to festival and competitions
Lost or Stolen Items: The SPACE does not accept responsibility for items lost or stolen.
Tardiness: Students should arrive promptly, correctly dressed for their dance discipline and attend classes regularly. Students can be asked to sit during class time if they are not dressed appropriately. For a list of acceptable attire please contact or e-mail the SPACE office
All fees are payable by cash, cheque, debit or credit card
NSF Cheques:
All NSF Cheques will be subject to a $25 fee
Overdue Accounts:
Will be subject to interest charges as per the SPACE Inc. Policy and Procedures
Tax Receipt Information:
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to determine whether or not the portion paid is eligible for tax credits. Due to the nature of the business, should the participant withdraw from programs any post dated payment will no longer be eligible from date of withdrawal.
Program Payment:
Must be paid in full prior to program start date.
Withdrawal from the SPACE Summer Day Camps must be completed by June 1st. After this date transfers from one camp to another will be allowed providing space available.
Extraordinary circumstances may be brought to the Board for review.